3D Printing

3D printer Dimension SST 1200es Series

3D printer Dimension SST (Soluble Support Technology) is a device designed for fast and accurate production of solid and accurate prototype models. By applying and joining materials in layers it is possible to produce a model of very complicated shape with holes, and very thin walls or the whole contruction console. Dimension SST can cheaply produce models without professional service and special workplace equipment.


Práca s 3D tlačiarňou Dimension je veľmi jednoduchá, porovnateľná s obsluhou bežnej Tlačiarne pre tlač dokumentov.
Modely pre výrobu sa posielajú na výrobu priamo z pracovnej stanice, kde sú 3D CAD modely vytvárané alebo uložené. Softvér Catalyst, ktorý je súčasťou dodávky a je nainštalovaný na všetkých pracovných staniciach, kde sa s CAD modelmi pracuje. Vytvorený 3D model vo formáte STL je načítaný do softvéru Catalyst a orientovaný do polohy pre výrobu.
Počas veľmi krátkej doby softvér automaticky vygeneruje stavebné vrstvy a všetky nutné podpory potrebnej na výrobu modelu a prenesie dáta pre výrobu 3D modelu cez počítačovú sieť priamo na danú 3D tlačiareň.
Catalyst dovoľuje prehľadne riadiť a sledovať postup výrobu 3D modelu a procese výroby informuje užívateľa poslaním emailovej alebo SMS správy.


Work with 3D printer Dimension is very simple, comparable to normal operation of printer for printing of written documents.


Modes for production are sent to production directly from working station, whre are 3D CAD models designed or saved. Software Catalyst, that is part of the and is installed on all working stations, where CAD models are deisgned and worked with. Created 3D model in format STL is loaded in software Catalyst and oriented into position for production.


After a very short time software will automatically generate the construction layers and all necessary support elements for contruction of models and it will transfer data for production of 3D model via computer network directly for particular 3D printer.


Catalyst allows transparently to manage and monitor production process of the 3D model and informs the user by sending email or text message.

Technical specification

Dimension SST 1200es Series


Size of modeling space
254x254x300 mm
Thikness of layers 0.254mm  a 0.33 mm
Modeling material Casette with ABS modeling and supportive material        (922 cm3)
Comunication via PC network
Software Catalyst loads STL models, automatically it will divide on thin layers and generates the data for the production of the model
Compatibility Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7


Pictures to the product




Advantages of Diemension SST 1200es Series

  1. Technology of resolvables supports
  2. High reliability of modelling
  3. The most widely spread RP system in the world
  4. The biggest modeling space in the Dimension series
  5. Affordability
  6. Low operating costs
  7. Solid and non-toxic ABS models
  8. Performance
  9. Easy operation
  10. Work in office conditions
3D Printing
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